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4. Chess variants with modified rules

These chess variants change one of the general rules of chess, such as the objective of the game.

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Different king


Checkmate the knight – the kings are regular, capturable pieces

Coregal Chess

Queens are also subject to check and checkmate

Dual Chess

Two kings, winning by checkmating any of them

Weak Dual Chess

Two kings, winning by defeating both

Royalty Transfer Chess

Two kings, only one is active at any time

Different objective

Suicide Chess

Capturing is compulsory, the player who loses all pieces wins

Capture all!

No check or checkmate – players win by capturing all opposing pieces

Extinction Chess

Players win by capturing all opposing pieces of a particular type.

Dunsany's Chess

White has lots of pawns against Black's usual set

Pawns-Only Chess

Pawns only, and the first promotion wins

Modified movement-rules

Cylinder Chess

The left and right sides of the board are joined, as if the game was played on a cylinder

Bouncing Chess

The bishop and the queen bounce off from the left and the right sides of the board.

Bouncing Chess II.

The bishop and the queen bounce off from the four edges of the board

Berolina Chess

Pawns move diagonally and capture orthogonally forwards

Berolina Chess II.

Pawns move diagonally and capture orthogonally forwards or sideways.

Multimove variants

Double-move Chess

Players move twice per turn

Double-move Pawn Chess

Double-move Chess with only pawns and kings.

Monster Chess

White has only king and some pawns, but moves twice per turn