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Lenny4 éve (ugrás)
 That's what we have both concluded! Care for a game?
GothicChessInventor4 éve (ugrás)
 So the hunt is on for a defense for 48...e4! and note that 49. g6+ Kg7 white still hasn't cured himself of having to find a way out since nothing has changed. Unless I am mistaken, this should win for black.
Lenny4 éve (ugrás)
 My idea was precisely that. Of course, sometimes these lines are easier to find when one is not half-asleep!
GothicChessInventor4 éve (ugrás)
 Hi Lenny, Doug can tell you I am not one to enjoy Rook + Pawn endgames, a fact very-well exploited by Panzerschiff in my most famous loss. My first thought was 48...Rd8 29. Rd2 Rd4 with a theoretical win, but things are not so cut and dry. But 48...e4! will give white trouble, for sure, since 49. Kf4?? losing immediately to the common tactic 49...Rxf5+ 50. Kxf5 e3! and no Rook can deal with 2 such pawns "on the 6th."
Lenny4 éve (ugrás)
 @GothicChessInventor -- Shogi noted that after Kf4 (my projected last move), he could have dropped his rook back to the 6th. I planned Rg6, but after the exchange of Rooks, the White King moves toward the e-pawn. The Black Kind must scramble back to defend it, and sooner or later -- Zugzwang -- the King will have to move to e6, whereupon j5 is an easy win for White. Next, I suggested a look at Black's 48) ... d2. Suppose instead e4, 49) Kf4, Re8, and I don't see how White can possibly hold. // By the way, since you obviously enjoy this variant, I'd be delighted to lock horns with you, although not without the caveats that (a) I am definitely weaker than shogi, and (b) I enjoy the post-mortems more than the game itself, and I'm sometimes prone to invite forks. Please contact me if interested.
shogi4 éve (ugrás)
 I don't think anyone can see the post-mortems since they're in private messages.
Lenny4 éve (ugrás)
 In reality, we both had wins along the way, but we were both too exhausted to find them! Check out our post-mortems (1 & 2), which show an easy win for White and a clear win for Black.
shogi4 éve (ugrás)
 Besides, who wants to play out a long R+P ending, am I right? :-P
shogi4 éve (ugrás)
 LOL We both got tired and scared.
GothicChessInventor4 éve (ugrás)
 draws are not allowed!
GothicChessInventor4 éve (ugrás)
shogi elfogadta a döntetlent. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
Lenny döntetlent ajánlott fel. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
Lenny megszakította a döntetlen-kérést. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
Lenny döntetlent ajánlott fel. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
Lenny elutasította a döntetlent. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
shogi döntetlent ajánlott fel. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
Lenny elutasította a döntetlent. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)
shogi döntetlent ajánlott fel. Részletek▼4 éve (ugrás)

<!show id='above'><!fire data-action='f:load'><!position id='159' select rotate='0'>{"pieces":{"11":"0-rook","25":"1-king","28":"1-pawn","34":"1-pawn","36":"1-rook","37":"1-pawn","38":"0-pawn","40":"1-pawn","41":"1-pawn","49":"0-pawn","58":"0-pawn","60":"0-pawn","61":"0-pawn","65":"0-king"},"moves":{"11":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,10,21,31,41,1","25":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,26,24,35;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,26,24,35,15:,16:,14:","28":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,39:b1-x;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O","34":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,44,43:b1-x,45:b1-x;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,44","36":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,35,46,56,66,76,26,16,6;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,35,46,56,66,76,26,16,6","37":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,47,46:b1-x,48:b1-x;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,47","38":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,27:b1-x,29:b1-x","40":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,50,51:b1-x;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,50","41":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,51,50:b1-x,52:b1-x;*:b0-.,s:b0-O,d:b0-O,51","49":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,39","58":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,48,47:b1-x","60":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,50,51:b1-x","61":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,51,50:b1-x,52:b1-x","65":"*:b1-.,s:b1-O,64,75,55,74,54"},"default_marks":{"56":["b2-circle"],"65":["b2-circle"]},"type":"normal","turn":1}<!allow-moves>false<!scaled-content id='above:players-line'>[]<!listen key='game:14413' last='185' component='source'><!frame-contents>{"player-0":[{"type":"img","img":"pic\/835-BONg.png","x":0,"y":-12,"width":136,"height":136,"class_":"picture","border":4,"href":null},{"type":"text","text":"<img src='icon\/pawn-white.png' class='color-icon'\/>shogi","x":0,"y":68,"font_size":24,"href":null},{"type":"text","text":"<span class='result half' data-tip='d\u00f6ntetlen' data-dir='bottom-right'>(\u00bd)<\/span>","x":74,"y":-12,"font_size":24,"showif":"pos.last"}],"player-1":[{"type":"img","img":"icon\/pic-default.png","x":0,"y":-12,"width":136,"height":136,"class_":"picture","border":4,"href":null},{"type":"text","text":"<img src='icon\/pawn-black.png' class='color-icon'\/>Lenny","x":0,"y":68,"font_size":24,"href":null},{"type":"text","text":"<span class='result half' data-tip='d\u00f6ntetlen' data-dir='bottom-right'>(\u00bd)<\/span>","x":74,"y":-12,"font_size":24,"showif":"pos.last"}]}<!fire data-action='f:print-all'><!show id='below'><!replace id='below:comment-boxes:public-new'><!eval>find_id('below:comment-boxes:public:input:text').onclick = function () {find_id('below:comment-boxes:public-new').textContent = null;var last_event = find_id('source-params:last-event').getAttribute('data-value');find_id('below:comment-boxes:public:list:params:last-view').setAttribute('data-value', last_event);foreach(find_id('below:comment-boxes:public:list'), '.new', function (new_mark) { new_mark.classList.remove('new'); });}