Sort of Almost Chess

List of public games

GamePlayersStateLast event
Sort of Almost Chessdandylionhoneybadger Speedster365 Speedster365's turn5 hours ago
Sort of Almost ChessDomthegiant22 shogi shogi won4 weeks ago
Sort of Almost ChessGloopGloopetev AngryHan AngryHan wontwo months ago
Sort of Almost Chesscooler shogi shogi won5 months ago
Sort of Almost ChessDarLinh FridgeMagnet FridgeMagnet won5 months ago
Sort of Almost ChessAbdo4chess shogi shogi won5 months ago
Sort of Almost Chessxcraft Muig75 Muig75 won6 months ago
Sort of Almost ChessandersonchanCH shogi shogi won7 months ago
Sort of Almost ChessWatermelonely ThePharaohsPebbles Watermelonely won7 months ago
Sort of Almost ChessReaperGod ThePharaohsPebbles ReaperGod wonone year ago
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